Friday, February 8, 2019

Hello Blogger Friends! I can't believe it's almost Valentines Day all ready.... But I have a wonderful Kit to share with... "First Love" by Blue Heart Scraps & Love Ewe Designs... It has everything you need from beautiful elements, papers, flairs, journal cards, wordbits.... all you need for those wonderful layouts of your love ones, and it is in the Fresh Baked over at Gingerscraps and It's a $5.00 GRAB BAG and you get it all... So head on over and check it out, you don't want to miss this, I promise your gonna love this kit... here is a couple layouts I made and the previews of the kit and the link at the bottom.... So come on you know you want to check it out.... But here this deal won't last long.... Have a Great Day!


And you can get it HERE...

Friday, February 1, 2019

Can you believe it, It's February 1st already... And that means it's the month of LOVE... So I have the perfect kit to share with you, that's great for making layouts of all those you LOVE... "Hello Love" by Blue Heart Scraps has everything you need for beautiful colorful layouts... And the best part, it's on SALE at GingerScraps in the February Buffet, so check out the previews below and the link is at the end of the post... Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a WONDERFUL DAY!

And the previews of the kit...

And you can get it here....